When you let your pain go, then you are ready for the future, always kiss the past goodbye and open up for the better. God will always show you the NEW when you kiss the OLD goodbye.

Do not settle for less or second best because things didn’t turn out the way you wanted, God always has a plan B which is always way better than plan A if you let go and let Him show you.

All these things come to prepare you to where God is taking you.

If you do not understand what is happening in your life then know that God is up to something.

He knows how to open doors that no man can Shut and Shut doors that no man can open.

Be at peace with your past, at peace with what you do not understand, don’t be bitter or stay in pain, kiss it goodbye and move forward.

You can not become who you were created to be with a chip on your shoulder or thinking you are at a disadvantage, if you will let all that go, God will move you to levels you never imagined.

No amount of make up or fake smiles can cover what is in the inside you, always let go.

Many times, we wait on God to change things in our lives and forget that this same God is waiting for us to make a decision. Time is of the essence, the earlier we recognize God’s work or hand in our lives and make decisions to let go and let God in then shall we embrace the blessings of tomorrow, His blessings upon our lives.

Do not live in your mistakes or shame, loneliness, failure, lack, struggles and so on, move on, that was the past, put it behind and start anew. Tell your past, that you are moving on and leave it behind, Kiss all of that goodbye.

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